

Yes, I write books.

In the years, I had three gifts from three special people.

When I was 11 my mother Ines gave me Mark Twain’s “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer”.

When I was 15 my father Gianfranco gave me Italo Calvino’s “Il Cavaliere Inesistente”.

When I was 21 my friend Francesca gave me Bret Easton Ellis’ “Less than zero”.

After every gift I started writing something. Most of this things are rubbish. Some others became books.

Reading and writing are two complementary actions: reading inspires me to write and writing makes me thirsty for books.
“Teorema del Devastatore” (The Devastator’s Theorem) is the first novel of a trilogy on the “science of feelings”; the other two are complete, waiting to be rewritten. Now I just have to find the time to do it.

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